About Us

Welcome to the Adelaide University Cardiovascular Society! We are passionate about all things cardiovascular and aim to promote knowledge and interest about cardiovascular health for both medical students as well as the wider community. 

We host a range of events, from unique educational opportunities for medical students, to socialisation and networking opportunities, to events which promote cardiovascular health for the community at large. Whether you are a medical student looking for some high-yield opportunities, are just interested in learning more about cardiovascular health, or are simply looking for a bunch of free-bees and fun social events, this is the society for you!

Becoming a member is totally free! Sign up to get access to our tailored resources and to participate in our events using the sign-up sheet below: 


Our upcoming events this year include a high-yield ECG tutorial, a cardiovascular research night, and an anatomy night. Follow us on socials to stay updated and involved!
-   Facebook: www.facebook.com/AdelaideUniversityCardiovascularSociety
-   Instagram: www.instagram.com/aucvs_clubs/
-   TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@aucvs_clubs?_t=8dwdGFGJfYQ&_r=1

Please direct any questions to our email: aucvscommittee@gmail.com. Our wonderful team will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible!

Co-chairs: Farnaz Jalili and Shrey Sinhal
Vice-chair: Vijay Selva
Secretary: Clara Lister